Meeting Time: August 03, 2020 at 7:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

A. 20-0410 PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA-20-18 (MODIFICATION); LOCATION: 19 DAPPLEGRAY LANE; APPLICANT: MS. SHEELA DERANIYAGALA; A request to Modify approvals granted by the Planning Commission on March 4, 2019, which included a Neighborhood Compatibility Determination for a one-story addition and deck to an existing one-story, single family residence; a Minor Deviation for the one-story addition to be built along the existing building line that encroaches into the legal nonconforming sideyard setback; and a Grading Permit for removal of the existing tennis court and related facilities. The applicant requests to modify the Minor Deviation approval with a four (4) foot extension of the rear covered deck, which would maintain a 4'-11" nonconforming sideyard setback, and modification of the Grading Permit approval, by reduction of the grading involved with the tennis court and related facilities removal.

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    Grant Mogford over 4 years ago

    The 4’ chain link fence proposed on the existing block retaining wall on the North side of the tennis court is by the property owners admission, to create a dog run which may or may not be in violation of the City of Rolling Hills Estates Development Standards but would block the prescribed easement that has been maintained since 1958 long before the previous owners on both properties and fully disclosed and discussed with the new owner prior to and during the escrow period.