Meeting Time: December 07, 2020 at 7:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

B. 20-0646 PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA-20-18 (MODIFICATION); ADDRESS: 19 DAPPLEGRAY LANE, ROLLING HILLS ESTATES; APPLICANT: MS. SHEELA DERANIYAGALA; A request to Modify approvals granted by the Planning Commission on March 4, 2019, which included a Neighborhood Compatibility Determination for a one-story addition and deck to an existing one-story, single family residence; a Minor Deviation for the one-story addition to be built along the existing building line that encroaches into the legal nonconforming sideyard setback; and a Grading Permit for removal of the existing tennis court and related facilities. The applicant requests to modify the Minor Deviation approval with a four (4) foot extension of the rear covered deck, which would maintain a 4'-11" nonconforming sideyard setback, and modification of the Grading Permit approval, by reduction of the grading involved with the tennis court and related facilities removal.