Meeting Time: February 07, 2022 at 7:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

B. 22-0005 PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA-220006; ADDRESS: 14 Deerhill Drive, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274; APPLICANT: Gregory George; A request for a Neighborhood Compatibility Determination (NC-220007) for the construction of a new pool, patio, retaining wall and front fence. Two Variances (V-220007 and V-220008) are required to allow the construction of a retaining wall over 2'-high in the front yard area and a pool fence over 2'-high in the front yard area per RHEMC Section 17.06.360 which limits the height of fences in front yards to 24" maximum. The proposal also includes a grading application (G-220029) for approximately 81 cubic yards of earth material exportation and 47 cubic yards of fill material importation.