A. 23-0065 PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA-220386; LOCATION: 39 Empty Saddle Road; APPLICANT: Michael Hasegawa (on behalf of Verizon Wireless); A request for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP-220387) for a new stealth telecommunication facility featuring a 64'-high monoeucalyptus structure located toward the rear of the property including 17 antennas (8 panel antennas, 4 CBRS antennas, 4 C-Band antennas, and 1 microwave antenna) and 16 wireless radios on 4 arrays, a 342 square-foot lease area that features 3 equipment cabinets, 1 generator and will be fully enclosed with an 8'-high CMU wall.
Memorandum from: Dean Flores, Associate Planner
Recommendation: Staff recommends the Planning Commission continue the public hearing item to the April 3, 2023 meeting.