Meeting Time: June 05, 2023 at 7:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

B. 23-0252 PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA-230152; ADDRESS: 25915 CHALMETTE LANE, ROLLING HILLS ESTATES CA 90274; APPLICANT: JOHN WHITCOMBE; A request for a Neighborhood Compatibility Determination (NC-230153) for on-site improvements including the installation of retaining walls, grading, and the installation of a sports court at the rear of the property. Minor Deviation (MD-230154) for exceeding the maximum allowable lot coverage by no more than 10%. Grading application (G-230155) for grading on a slope greater than 35% (average slope ratio is 2:1) relating to the installation of retaining walls and sports court. Memorandum from: Dean Flores, Associate Planner Staff has worked with the applicant over a few months to address the requirements of the Municipal Code, including Neighborhood Compatibility and Grading requirements. As summarized in the report, staff is able to support the project as presented. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve PA-230152 (NC-230153, MD-230154, G-230155) with the conditions outlined in the staff report. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code § 21000 et seq.: "CEQA"), the application has been determined to be Categorically Exempt under Class 1, Section 15301(e) - Existing Facilities.