Meeting Time: December 02, 2024 at 7:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

B. 23-1271 PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA-240484; ADDRESS: 13 DAPPLEGRAY LANE, ROLLING HILLS ESTATES, CA 90274; APPLICANT: ADRIAN CRACIUN, ABOVE DESIGN, INC.; DESCRIPTION: A request for a Variance (V-240485) to allow an 80-square-foot enlargement to a back porch with a nonconforming setback from the rear of property line. The application was reviewed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality (Public Resources Code §21000 et seq.: "CEQA") and was determined to be Categorically Exempt under Class 1, Section 15301 Existing Facilities. Memorandum from: Whitney Berry, Senior Planner Recommendation: That the Planning Commission open the Public Hearing; take public testimony; discuss the issues; close the Public Hearing; and adopt Resolution No. PA-240484, approving the project.